So today it is Friday the 13th, which is considered by certain people as day of bad luck and misfortune. I am not superstitious at all, but I cannot admit that I have an interest in this kind of things. So I did some investigation after Friday the 13th. First thing to discover is not…
Author: Marissa
A look at Second Life
Second Life is an online virtual world where people can meet each other and create their own content. It has already been around since 2003. I never had a look at it. This most likely because of the comments that I heard from Rob about it. On one side he was amazed about the possibilities…
I am ready for skating!
It seems that this is the coldest November that we have since 20 years. And yes, this evening on my bicycle from my work to home I felt freezing cold. At home I turned the heating a bit up and the warmth spread through my room I started the feel comfortable again. Then I realized…
Lesvos and Erdogan
Yesterday evening Mel (our friend from Lesvos), Marion, Sanne, Rob and I had a very long chat on Skype. On a certain moment the conversation ended up with Turkey and its president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Mel told us that there always has been a certain of distrust between the Turkish people and the people of…
Vacation next year!
(Click on the image to zoom in)Mel is awesome! Richard is awesome! 🙂 I thought that next year it would be not possible to go on a vacation. This because next year I will get my own apartment and decorating everything will cost quite some money. So I saved my money for that and accepted…
Pokémon Go and a dinner
Most people will know that Rob and I are, apart from normal very good friends, also gaming buddies. We like to play online games together and always enjoy it to have a look at a new games. So when “Pokémon Go” was released we really wanted to have a look at it. Maybe in short…
“Ik ben vies”
My first entry here will be about a laugh we had during our vacation on Lesbos this year. As may be known, we went this with a group of very good friends to Lesbos. We had a wonderful time there. One day we made a very nice walk to the east of the town of…