When I was young, I already enjoyed reading. Especially tales of science fiction and fantasy. Nothing changed on that. One of the series that I loved to read was “De Euro 5”, written by Bert Benson, a pseudonym of Ad de Beer.
The stories in the series are about a vessel called the Euro 5 (which was a combined airplane, submarine and spaceship), and the crew consisting of a number of men from the European Union, led by the Dutchman Peter de Vos. The vessel has a secret base in Ardeche, France, and on Pluto.
Of the Euro 5 and its crew were involved in many exciting adventures. I could finish such a Euro 5 pocket in one day. I truly loved these kind of books.
When I left my parents’ home, many of my books were left behind. But at a certain moment, they weren’t there anymore. Just vanished and among them the books of the Discus and “Inspector Arglistig” books (all belong to the pocket series of the publisher Kluitman). Not sure what happened to them, although I have a very strong suspicion about it (which I shall not mention here).
But recently I noticed a Euro 5 book for sale on a website for second hand books and I was instantly triggered. I purchased it and started looking for the other books in the series. Just a few books and I have the complete series again. And after that I will try to complete the Discus series again (of which I have already bought some books again). Also, I will look again for the “Inspecteur Arglistig” books…
As said, I am really enjoying this!
Below an overview of the books that belong to the original Euro 5-series. The one that are in italic are the books that I am still missing:
- Euro-5 Antwoordt Niet
- Dreiging van de H-mannen
- Duivels van de Diepzee
- Slaven uit de Ruimte
- De Monsters van Dr. Einling
- Op Drift in de Tijd
- Machten uit het Heelal
- Groot Alarm voor Sectie-5
- Ruimteschip Freya uit de Koers
- Contact met Atlantis
- Paniek op de Noordpool
- Aanval van het Groene Gevaar
- Het Geweld van de Zwarte Orca’s
- In de Macht van de Schorpioen
- De Onbekende Satelliet
- Vermist in de Ruimte
- De Robots van de Gele Planeet
- Stralen uit het Verleden
- Stuurloos in een Vreemd Heelal
- Een Gevaarlijk Experiment
- Het Ongrijpbare Gevaar
There is also a series “De Nieuwe Euro-5”, written by the same author between 1987 and 1991:
- De Rampplaneet
- Het Volk van Arban
- Onder Vuur
- Het Teken van Tamo
- De Vermiste Patrouille
- Terug naar de Aarde?