Finally I have internet in my new apartment, so I can work here on my blog again.
I have the apartment almost a week now. And after that week I am very happy with the result so far. Last Saturday when I moved in and we brought all my things here, it was al a big mess of boxes and bags. There were moments that I doubted that I would make it ever through that huge pile of things. But now a week later I can say the livingroom is free of boxes…. That doesn’t mean all is ready. The truth is far from that. There is still a lot of work to be done. But one can live now very well in the apartment.
In the living room still two luxury showcases need to be set up. I will try to do that tomorrow.
The pictures and posters also still need to find their way to the walls (and yes, for who ever doubted… the by Ellen ten Damme signed poster will have its place in the living room).
The apartment has cable-covers on all essential places, but many cables have to be placed in them (again). Not the nicest job, but it will give a great result.
Some people will know that I have “some books”. It took me 1.5 days to get all the books on their place. I only sorted them roughly (series by series, publisher by publisher and nothing more then that). But some books needed some cleaning from dust. Many of them have been in boxes for many years.
The bedroom is still a bit a mess. Still things there that needed to be stored away somewhere. But as I can sleep there, it is not the biggest hurry.
I really, really start to like this house a lot….
Wow, looks already realy nice. And what a books. cool.
Also noticed that you post through Cable.Ziggo 😀 That is something else after many years of xs4all…..
Yes, I am very happy with how my new home is starting to look. And I have a lot of other plans for the future :).
I went for Ziggo because they were the easiest and fastest to get (although the last was after their mistake not true anymore…. first minus point).
But if I will get the same problems with them as I had in the past with @Home, they are on a very fast way out. You can end the contract with them per month. In that case I might go back to XS4ALL. We will see what happens….
And with my “Pack”-account I am kinda still with XS4ALL 😛
Looks good indeed.
You already told many time that you thought of it as a great pity that all your books were just stored away. And now they are placed in bookcases again.
I know you have many Science Fiction and Fantasy books. I will be happily to take a look at your Fantasy books :).
BTW, sweet that you have a picture of Marion in your living room!
I am sure you are making a very nice and cosy place of your new home, Rob.
The title of this post is referring to a song of Elvis Presley, am I right?
“Home is where the heart is…
And my heart is anywhere you are…
Anywhere you are is home…”
I know what you are saying with this title, but looking at the lyrics in a broader sense, it made me smile warmly….