When your health is more or less good, you mostly don’t think to much about it. But when your health is giving you troubles, it suddenly turns into a very important issue.
Today I have been to my doctor to hear the result of examination of my bowels. Although it was not possible for them to examine all of them, they have found nothing serious. And this is good, because when you have in this way problems with your bowels, it may be not that positive.
Next step will be again my blood. The doctor wants to see my blood when I have a real bad fever attack. Maybe this will lead to an answer why I have these fever attacks, what causes these pains in my lungs, throat and respiratory tracts… why I sleep so bad…. I would be happy to feel better again.
But on the other side my life has changed in such a positive way that I will conquer this problems for sure.
Proof? I cannot give…. but years ago I would have freaked out by something like this. And now I go afterwards such an examination to my beloved Markt 2 and ponder about it all while enjoying a bokbeer and having a wonderful omelet with ham, cheese and more on “black” bread…
That is the way to handle problems… always from the positive side. Even when things are not all going exactly the way you want it, life is there to live…. count on that!
I will have to say that i disagree, if i had read this about 6 months ago.
But now, i surely have to agree. Life is too short to worry about it. Enjoy every moment and take every opportunity you get.