Just read on the log of a friend that his new girlfriend is in a hospital. That is of course very bad news and I hope whatever may happened to her, soon will be cured if possible.
Yet he used some words that made me deeply ponder… and yes, I do realize that he words were written of his current situation….
But still…. Am I only thinking about myself? Not bothering about anyone else but me? Sure, I placed myself as very important something into my live…. but is that only thinking about my self? No, I don’t think so… when you are balanced you are much more capable of caring of others.
Am I egoistic because I don’t have a partner? Again, no I don’t feel like that. Especially the last 2 years I am sharing things with others more then ever before.
Me? I just hope that my friends partner will be alright… That is all.
Rob, you should realize that for many people a relation is important in their lives, even after whatever bad experiences in an earlier relation. People like you and me who really are not interested in a (new) relation are rare. Sure, we have both our reasons for that (you are happy as your life is now and I am “too busy” for a relation).
It has nothing to do with being egoist or only thinking and caring about yourself.
Both are a way of life and both are equal valid. I think your friend wrote those words while his mind was more by his girlfriend then anything else and maybe so a bit leaded by his mood and emotions of this moment.
Hi Rob,
Yesterday, my girlfriend went into surgery for an examenation (did i spell that wright?) She had been very ill and had been treated for that. And yesterday the docter told her that her treadment was succesfull. That was really great news.
As for my article in my blog. I apologize if i have offended you. It has never been my intention to say that beïng single means that someone is egoistic. On the contrary. I totaly subscibe to your oppinion.
Maybe i used the word egoist totally wrong. I only meant that i was free to do whatever i wanted without having to explain myself to someone. Or to take someone at home under consideration before acting.
As for my relation with my girlfriend. I never planned this. Actually i really did not want this to happen. I liked my life single. And (again) i totally agree with you and Marion about being single and having a great and social life.
But….. It just happened. Like standing on a highway and being hit by a big truck. (in a positive way 😀
And i am very happy with it.
He Patrick,
Your article did not offend me, not even close. It only made me ponder about things a bit. So don’t worry about that 🙂
I am happy for you that you are happy and I am even more happy for you about the good news there was about your girlfriend.