yesterday I have been with my friend Patrick and his partner to a concert of The Nits. And it was awesome!!
The name of The Nits is one that goes a way back in the history of the Dutch music. Hits as “Nescio” and “In the Dutch mountains” are part of their success stories. And even the “Tutti Ragazzi” from 1988 belongs to that.
Sadly Henk Hofstede had to sit during the concert because some problems he had with one of his feet. But that didn’t take anything from the pleasure that he clearly showing while making his music. A great singer and guitar player… even on some more uncommon kind of guitars.
When I saw the keyboard-man I knew I had seen him before, but somehow I couldn’t connect a name to it… until I was home again and there it did hit me fully…. This was Robert-Jan Stips!!!! This man doesn’t play the keyboards. He does do magic on the keyboards, which he showed so clearly tonight again
On the drums was Rob Kloet. I have seen many persons play the drums, but just a few with the same technics and power. He is one with the drums. Awesome to watch. He and his drums are one when he plays.
I had a great evening filled with awesome music. It was really awesome, maybe even more The Nits where always there from the days when I became aware of music until now. And I hope they will stay there for the longest time.
And ohh… 26 april Ellen ten Damme in Metropool :P.
The Nits were simply brilliant!