As a Dutch sayings learns us, you’re never to old learn something new. And well, today I learned something new!
During the holiday on Lésvos (as the residents of Lesbos call their islands themselves) I made quite some photo’s. And among those a number of photo’s of plants that for some reason did draw my attention.
It took some time to find which plant it exactly. The plant growns along Mediterranean of South Europe and in the temperate areas of Asia. Well, maybe here the reason I never seen this plant before.
The Latin name is “Ecballium elaterium”. More commonly known as the “Exploding cucumber” or the “squirting cucumber” (or in Dutch know as “springkomkommer”, “spuitkomkommer” or “ezelskomkommer”). The plant is related to the family of the cucumber (Cucurbitaceae).
It gets its unusual name from the fact that, when ripe, it squirts a stream of mucilaginous liquid containing its seeds, which can be seen with the naked eye.
This plant, and especially its fruit, is poisonous, containing cucurbitacins. In the ancient world it was considered to be an abortifacient.
In my opinion it is very nice to learn this kind of things. To broaden your horizon as they say so nice.
I really can be amazed how people don’t see these kind of things. Some times I think that photography learns you look for details and special things.
And no, you don’t need a macro-objective to make these kind of pictures. Neither a tripod. Just patience, that is all what is needed.
(Credit photo’s: Rob)