Yesterday I was walking over the May-market here in the Haaksbergen. This May-market is a yearly event with a fair and all kind of other enjoyable things.
The weather was rather good and so it was very busy. Even a bit too busy to my taste. I don’t mind lots of people around me, but I want to be capable to move normally.
Part of this yearly event is a second hand market. People and companies can sell off their second hand and old stuff. Most of it is just rubbish, but well.. as long people are willing to pay for it.
But when talking about second hand, there is always one thing very interesting… books!
Now there is lately with my new interest in photography one kind of books I am looking for. These are photo-books. Not the books about how to make photographs, but those books that show the work of (wellknown) professional photographers.
Apart that it is an joy to look at the pictures in these books, one can learn a lot of it.
And yes, I found some nice photo-books on the second hand fair!
Next Saturday I will go to the city of Enschede and visit there a store that is famous about their second hand books. Lets hope I can find some good photo-books there as well!
Then I have a nice surprise for you when I am home again.
I didn’t know you collected that kind of books.
That is maybe because I just started to collect them? 😉