I just upgraded our weblog to WordPress 5.0 and the upgrade went well without any issues, just as I am used to with WordPress. The most important change of this new version is that there is a complete new editor for writing the articles added.This new “Gutenberg Editor” is block orientated and is more or…
Tag: Not Reviewed
About memories and a very good mood
Ever walked into the house and your partner starts to sing for you? Well, that happened to me this morning *winks*. I returned from a short visit to Patricia, when I walked into the living room Rob started to sing with a big smile on his face… “If you were the only girl in the…
As every year, new tea!
Autumn is here again and for me that means it is time to buy fresh tea again. I always try to get a nice mixture of white tea, green tea and black tea. Of course some teas that aren’t really teas (real tea is made of the leaves of the tea-plant, Camellia sinensis). For me…
Issue with WP Google Maps
Yesterday Marissa called me to tell me that she had problems with adding new locations to the map we have have for “Cafés & Dinners”. I just had a look at it and she is right. It is not possible at the moment to add new locations. The problem is caused by changes Google did…
Sea Bass for dinner
In Plomari, a city on the isle of Lesvos, there is a sea food restaurant called “The Seven Seas”. During our stay at Plomari we visited that restaurant 3 times. Yes, 3 times! The fish was just wonderful there. Twice I had a wonderful grilled sea bass there. So once back in The Netherlands I…
The Weather we soon will see….
The weather we will have next week… And it looks like it is going to stay that way… I think just as the last time, the first two days we will have it extremely warm. After two days we are used to it. And as long you keep drinking and protect your head, there is…
A Journey of Memories – Part I
Some time ago someone said to me that my house is really a collection of memories. I just looked around and realized that this person was very correct. Let me take you in a number of articles along on a journey of memories. These memories will not be synchronous with when they happened, but more…
Okay there was still one rotten index
As one of the authors tried to post something a little back, WordPress (the software I use for this weblog) crashed. It took me some time to figure out what was causing this. But I found out, there was still one index of a table that was corrupt. I repaired it manually and now all…
Weblog is back up again…
First of all, my excuses to the authors here on our weblog for the fact that it was almost a month not possible to post new articles. The reason for this was that one of the database tables was corrupt. Normally this is solved by restoring a backup, but this problem seemed to have been…
My ethnic origin
The result of the DNA test came in and, as I already expected I am on this matter boring: I’m 100% North and West European. No exciting branches into Africa or South America (a pity, I would have liked that). No touch of Greece (now that would have been a real bonus, but alas). Just…