There are things that you never hope will happen, but last week one of these things happened. Someone of our group was targeted and photo’s of her Facebook Timeline were copied into a fake account. For what reason? I don’t know and basically I don’t care. The account is not active no more and that…
Tag: Privacy
Privacy again
It kinda funny, after reading a newspaper this morning I decided that it was about time to write an article on privacy again… and just I noticed that Patrick did the same on his weblog yesterday. This morning I read that the government has far reaching plans to gain control on the information flow on…
This they promised never to do…
They promised us over and over again never to use the Dutch security number (“SOFI Number”) to connect all kind of databases together. What did they do? They renamed the “SOFI Number” it to “BSN Number” and do with that what they said they never would do. Today I needed to have some x-rays made….
Something to think about
Today in another discussion about privacy and security (with many “I don’t have anything to hide” folks) I did read something that said it all for me… When they came for the communists, I didn’t say anything… I am not a communist. When they came for the Union people, I didn’t say anything… I am…
Encryption, part II
Encrypting again… Like I use to say, when you do something do it good. And when you find something to improve, do it. For mail I can use GnuPG to sign and/or encrypt my mail. And this is working very well. Marion and I use it all the time. We talk often per mail about…
Don’t be scared, we only take your privacy away…
Red Bubble The Israeli sociolist Etzoni claims that the government is so trustworthy that civilians don’t have to be scared when their privacy is taken away from them. It seems that he has a lot of support among the Dutch politicians. Yes, of course it is the wet dream of every government to have access…
Oath of Secrecy
One small victory for privacy. The Dutch High Court decided that a doctor may keep his Oath of Secrecy, even when his patient is involved with a crime. This because every person has right of health care, this is a basic human right. No one should be scared to stay away from a doctor because…
I just read on a site that the EU wants to store the fingerprints of people from other countries travelling by plane. I made a remark about this to my co-workers here at the company I work. They just couldn’t care or were even not bothered by it. They couldn’t care less that your fingerprints…