For some time there was an issue on our weblog that disrupted the normal way of working. It took a while to understand what was actually happening. It appears that a plugin has caused problems. With the help of the creator of this plugin the issue was solved and everything should be back to normal….
Tag: weblog
Private articles
Now already for some time there are many private articles posted here on our weblog and that is okay. One of the purposes of our weblog is to share thoughts and opinions privately between the authors. And I am very happy with what I see and read. It shows the friendship and trust between us….
An extra security measure on our weblog.
There are things that you never hope will happen, but last week one of these things happened. Someone of our group was targeted and photo’s of her Facebook Timeline were copied into a fake account. For what reason? I don’t know and basically I don’t care. The account is not active no more and that…
10 Years “”
It almost slipped by without noticing it. By coincidence, I just saw it today: Our weblog on “” was in October 10 years old! On 26 October 2007 the first article on this weblog was posted. And now we are more as 10 years further. I remember well how at first the weblog was titled…
As some may have noticed, my weblog has been for the last two days offline. Well, maybe offline is not completely correct. The site was running, but not in a proper way. Visitors only saw blanc pages. So what happened? For a certain update I wanted (and needed) to do on the weblog a newer…
A Fellowship of Friends
It seems that everyone agrees and “A Fellowship of Friends” will be the new name of the blog. Kudos to Mel and Marissa. Well done! A nice step forward in the new structure of this weblog with multiple authors. The “About Us”-page of The Fellowship of Friends. With this please the request to the authors…
You asked for it, you got it!!! :-)
Recently I had some remarks and comments that it can be hard to contact me through my blog, specially for people who don’t know me directly. Add to that I delete comments on articles that are off-topic directly. And yet, so as some folks told me, it would be handy to have a way contact…
Operation “Exit”
In the past I was very active on the photo-site Flicker (, which offers a great way to share pictures. I liked it even so much that I got myself a paid account on Flickr. In the beginning I linked pictures I wanted to have on my weblog here directly from my Flickr-account. But…
Subscribe to comments….
Today I have added a new functionality to my weblog here. You can now subscribe to a thread, which means that you will be notified by mail when there is a new comment added. When you go the comments part of a post, then you will see a checkbox that you can use to subscribe…