Yesterday Marissa called me to tell me that she had problems with adding new locations to the map we have have for “Cafés & Dinners”.
I just had a look at it and she is right. It is not possible at the moment to add new locations. The problem is caused by changes Google did on their Map API. Normally they announce something like that, but I guess I missed that during our holiday in Greece.
I will have a look at the changes that Google has done and contact the developer of the WP Google Maps interface. I hope to have soon a solution. Sadly for now this is completely out of my control.
ps. The locations that were already on the map are still there. No issue on that level. It is also no problem to update the existing data.
WP Google Maps should be working again. I had to reconfigure the Google API for it, but that seems to be working again.
If you find anything unusual please let me know!
Thank you for all the work you do on our weblog :-).