I have just upgraded my weblog to WordPress 3.0.1, which is the latest version. The upgrade went quickly as always with WordPress upgrades…
-> Make backup
-> Remove all WordPress-files from your site. Saving the themes, plug-ins and the configuration-file
-> Upload the new version of WordPress
-> Put back the themesm plug-ins and the configuration-file
-> Run the “upgrade.php”-script
-> Delete the “install.php” and “upgrade.php” files
And basically I was done.
This time I removed the old WordPress-files from the site. Normally I just overwrite them, but for once I wanted a nice cleaned up situation again.
After that some of the plug-ins I use needed an update. Again, just download the new version and overwrite the one on the site (and of course take a glimpse at the new options and features).
Only I am a bit worried about the plug-in I am using for showing some of the pictures I made. It has an upgrade, but only compatible to WordPress 2.7…
Well, this plug-in shows pictures from my Flicker-account and as I am thinking to drop Flicker, I am already looking for a new plug-in that can show pictures that I will store on some site somewhere.
Anyway, a fast and smooth upgrade again
Isn’t Woedpress great?
Yup, WordPress is really awesome.